Olivier Mukeha – Piano player and Composer
Olivier Mukeha – Piano player and Composer
Juni 2023
SV Toverfluit
I’m Olivier born in Congo now staying in the Netherlands, aged 19 years.
I’m a Piano player and Composer.
My love for music started when I moved from Congo to Uganda where I used to listen and see people playing music, but at that time I was not able to have an instrument or be able to ask someone to teach me.
Fortunately, since moving to the Netherlands in 2021 I have embraced the musical influences around me including jazz, neo-soul, Funk, gospel, jazz-fusion and other contemporary styles in my own voice.
Since then I got a little keyboard from someone and then I started to teach myself the piano.
One year ago I had a few opportunities to perform where I met Jawdat Shaabo, an amazing musician and that’s how he connected me with Toverfluit organisation.
Since I got in contact with Toverfluit organisation a lot have changed, now I’m taking private lessons, they bought a new keyboard for me which I’m happy with.
My dream always has been to be a professional Musician that means I haven’t yet be able to go to music school but I hope I’ll get there in future with the Toverfluit Organisation support.
I want to spread hope, love and enjoyment to my audience through my music.
Every human has something inside of them that drives them forward. So my passion for music keeps pushing me to create and share it.
When I make music, I make it from my soul and I want others to experience that.
I believe that my talent is God-given and I give Him the glory for that. I make music inspired by life, stories, faith, things I experienced and things I see around me.
I’m humbled and grateful for Overfluit Organisation for believing me and for the support I got so far, Looking forward!
I hope you enjoy this journey with me!