Toverfluit – The Organization

Jan Willem Baud
Jan Willem Baud, board member. For years, Jan Willem was an NBE board member, and has personally experienced how music has motivated talented youth. Music connects people, and in his eyes it is the best road towards integration. He is eager to support young refugees with musical talent to discover themselves and their role in their new home, and realise their dreams.
Erik Hammerstein
Erik Hammerstein, board member. Erik is a lawyer in Amsterdam. He is convinced that music offers new opportunities for youth who have faced bitter adversity. Toverfluit offers these young people a chance to work towards a creative profession. Providing help for those who are most in need, he believes, can pave the way towards a better social climate in the Netherlands.

Anita Witlox
Anita Witlox, volunteer. Anita is a volunteer for the Toverfluit Foundation. During her career in education, and after she retired, she has continued her voluntary work, among others at Amnesty International, where she is currently part of the country team dealing with Syria. Through this function, she has built up a network of contacts with the Syrian refugee community. She has a passion for music, a language understood by all people.
Edith Sijmons
Edith Sijmons, board member. Edith believes that every child has the right to develop their talents. This right, however, is often unrecognized for refugee youth in the Netherlands. After spending eight years at a foundation supporting education efforts in Indonesia, Edith plans to put her efforts into young refugees in the Netherlands through the Toverfluit Foundation.